Getting out....

Hey ladies I could use some positive feedback/encouragement. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and with the baby's father. We do not live together due to financial situations right now but stay together pretty much every night, although that will not be the case when the baby is here. I do love this man and want to stick by him through this tough time but I think the time has come where I need to part ways and do what is best for my baby. He already has a 9 year old and he does drive him after having a few drinks. I will NEVER allow that with my baby, but what if I can't stop it? A little background- he has not had a job for almost a year and getting pregnant has not changed anything. I know he is going through a huge depression stage right now but the drinking is out of control (in my opinion.) there hasn't been one day or night where he isn't drinking. And I mean in 10 months every night he has at LEAST one bottle of wine and most of the time 4-5 drinks or beers before that. There has not been ONE day where he has been completely sober. He hasn't gotten our baby one thing, but he buys alcohol and cigarettes daily. Anyone been through this or have any advise?