Lakiea • Future momma to a baby girl!

I gotta let this out. Well since my 32 week appointment i have been measuring big well 34 weeks appointment rolls around for us to go do a growth and fluid ultrasound to check those out. Well it wasn't that so we were good. Well nope thats not what happened at 36 weeks appointment. The weeks before i was already in the hospital for contractions from a uti and then for possibly of water breaking. Well we go into our appointment and get stuff done then i am told i am measuring at 40 weeks and not 36. WTF???? So my midwife ask that we do another ultrasound for growth and fluid check. I am just going okay what the heavens. Ever since my daughter dropped into my pelvis. I have had this constant pain when walking in my pelvis and back. it has gotten to the point if i don't wear my belt at all while i am standing or walking. I can't breath because my ribs hurt so bad. I will even be in bed and this will happen. honestly i don't even want to go work anymore because it's gotten so bad that i sometimes get dizzy as well. Plus it doesn't help that it's hot as hell where i am at. I just want to be done. I feel terrible and hurt so much that it brings me to tears just think about it. I happy to be mom soon. I just don't know how much longer i can go anymore. 😭😭😭😭😭 I am due Aug 1st and just hit 36 weeks

☝️I am not wearing my belt here but below i am