Just need some hope..


I am on round 3 of clomid. I have my follicle check tomorrow. Yesterday I had brought up to dh that if this round doesn’t work we should maybe start seeking other options like <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a>, adoption, or just other options. My husband said if it doesn’t work maybe we should stop trying and stop spending money on an empty dream. It completely blindsided me. He was so on board and he even is the one who suggested we start treatments to help me ovulate and get pregnant. And all of a sudden it’s an empty dream? I am kind of at a loss. I don’t know that I could just stop trying and accept that I won’t ever have kids. But it isn’t like I can keep trying if he doesn’t want it.

Anyone who used clomid that has PCOS.... how long did it take you to conceive? What worked for you in the end?