No clue what’s happening

So around the month of April my best friend told me he liked me/ had feelings for me, and we tested and FaceTimed back and forth for about just over a month. Then out of the blue he grew distant, which was unexpected and kind of for the first week and a half had me thinking it was totally my fault. Then I just embraced it in a way.

So his family and my family both summer up at a lake next to one another at our grandparents houses and this weekend is when they set off the yearly lake fireworks and I was hoping to see him and just try and figure out what to do next in our “relationship”. I texted him asking if he was coming up and he said, “ I don’t think so.” And i was like ok, but in side my mind I’m like wth why? Like you said 2 weeks ago “yeah we’re going to be up there.” Luke is it him personally that’s not going up, or his whole family. Like I have no clue if he’s told his parents that he likes me, or anyone for that matter.

Should I text his sister asking he if she’s going to be up there? Or should I just wait and see what happens?