Green Eyed Monster

Hi ladies,

I recently found out my S.O’s sister is pregnant, she didn’t plan it and by the sounds of it she isn’t entirely over the moon about it, as she’s due to get married in the next few months and it kind of postpones everything. I can’t help but get a case of the green eyed monster, I’ve been trying to conceive for a year and no luck, then my sister-in-law gets proposed to and finds out she’s pregnant all in a matter of two weeks (I could definitely think of a thousand worser situations to be in) I really am happy for her, and wish her well but I’m finding this really hard to try and put a brave face on and pretend like it isn’t hurting me.

Has anyone experienced anything similar and has anyone got some good advice on maybe best ways to conceive? I still desperately want a baby and I’m worried now that’s its put too much pressure on my body.