Bad OB experience! Unsure what my next steps are..


I’m 17 weeks pregnant with my first and my family doctor (who specializes in Women’s Health) has been following my pregnancy since 5 weeks.

I started this pregnancy with twins however at 8 weeks we lost one of the babies and it was absorbed by the other by 10 weeks. In addition to this I found out I have two fibroids in my uterus, one small and the other was last reported at 6 cm. Luckily it is not near the baby but I have ultrasounds every 2-3 weeks to continue to measure its growth as well as the baby.

I had my first appointment with the OB that will be delivering my baby yesterday and it was horrible.

First the nurse took my blood pressure and weight and persisted to give me a lecture about it infront of the entire office. I am 203 which I know is not ideal but I have not gained any weight yet and I am trying hard not to. Then she took my blood pressure and after my weight lecture I was so NERVOUS my blood pressure was 127/70 and she said that was VERY high. I asked to repeat it after I had calmed down for a few min and she agreed and the second reading was 105/68 and she said that was “just Okay”

Then came the doctor..after waiting 2.5 hours my husband and I saw the OB. He came in looked at my husband and said “Oh you brought him” and I said “Well I have anxiety about meeting new doctors and it is his child too.”

He then told me my due date was Dec 17th which seemed off as my other doctor had told me Dec 10th and when I asked him how he got that he said “I looked at a chart.” I explained to him my cycles were 24 days and when my last menstrual cycle was and he just shrugged at me .

Then we talked about my last ultrasound at 14 weeks 1 day on June 12th and I said “If I was 14 weeks 3 weeks ago would I be in my 17th week this week?” and he said that the ultrasound tech was wrong and his paper chart is correct.

He then was like okay “you can go for another ultrasound and some more blood work here are your papers , any last questions?” and I then brought up the fibroid (Its kind of the elephant in the room)

He then was like “Oh right your family doctor phoned me to update me on this fibroid, lots of people have them but yours is HUGE! I’ve never seen one that big. I’m going to send you to a specialist and they can tell me how to go about this because I’m very curious how this will play out.” …how this will play out? Are you kidding I felt like a science experiment.

The icing on the cake is Health Services called me today to let me know about the harmful effects of smoking and classes they offer to help stop smoking… I DON’T SMOKE I’ve never touched a cigarette in my life and the doctor put down I was a smoker.

Now I am unsure what to do? Go back to my family doctor and ask to be referred to another doctor at that hospital or change hospitals all together? My mother thinks it is too late but I really don’t want this YAHOO delivering my baby, nor do I want to see him again.

Thanks for all your support and advice. 💕