My boyfriends Psychotic EX.

So this is my first ever post but I need some advice. My Boyfriends EX girlfriend of 3 months... is a complete PSYCHOPATH. I broke up with him (things were not going well for us) after 4 months he met this woman. We both don't call her by her name we call her "Crazy". They dated for less than 3 months. He ended things with her.. and I broke up with the guy I was we started talking again... So not the point of the story but just giving you a little back story... So, him and I are very happy now.. but here Is where crazy comes in... This pychotic woman but a app on his phone that tracked all his calls, text, location.. she could see his phone and everything he was doing on it... I didn't believe her, but she let me listen to recordings of him talking on the phone ... So I told him.. she could see all of his pass words and EVERYTHING.... we factory rest his phone hoping that it would delete everything.. nope. everything she has will be forever with her.(like the recordings, calls, text that she has )...she paid big money go this app. so it's been a few months and she will try and text him and call him but I to him he had to block her so.. he did. She now calls and text him on different numbers. it's so exhausting... he changed all his pass words to all social media... well yesterday we discovered she still had access to his facebook. she silenced all the notifications that told him when someone from a unknown phone tried to enter his account... she also got on his snap chat added her daughter and sent his location to her name only.... we wouldn't have caught this but it signed him out of his account then we caugh it.... so my question what would you guys do? I have a recording of her talking to me and playing the recording of him!..

what would you do?