Should I give it to him or not...


So my best friend, he is like everything to me. Except he doesn’t want to date me, and I’ve never gotten a straight answer out of him, but I have told him that I love him, and I do very much so. He is dying of cancer and he’s a year older than me, he’s 17 and I’m 16. We go to the same school, and we have become really great friends, and I wrote this letter to him, expressing how he’s changed my life. Before going into high school I had 0 friends and I actually mean I had no friends, my grade school classmates, all bullied me and they always left me out of everything and it was a really hard time. Once I got to high school, I met this guy and within 5 minutes of knowing him he tells me he has cancer. He has a rare form of pancreatic cancer and he now has a 1” tumor in his liver and the cancer he spreading. I don’t know how long he has left to live, but I don’t know if I should give him the letter or not. **im not putting a picture cause it’s really personal** but what I’m afraid of is that he’s going to die before I can give it to him, but as I said I have no idea how long he has left to live. Also, I tell him I love him every night, because I’m afraid that’s going to be the last thing I say to him. Also I’m afraid if I give him the letter, he’s just going to push it away and not care about what it says. So please send some prayers for him, and also let me know what I should do. Thank you!

Update**** I JUST GAVE IT TO HIM AND OMG IM SO NERVOUS HOLY CRAP and he said “omg wow that is so sweet of you and means so much to me, thank you” so idk if that’s good or bad