Not feeling?


My babies due date came and went, and the days leading up I was an emotional wreck. And knowing that his due date would be hard I requested it off so I could be home and cope. And luckily my husband was scheduled off as well. And we spent the day shopping for a new couch to help keep me moving. Because everything is worse when I’m not busy. And it helped. I didn’t break down once. But my son was on my mind all day. And he has been constantly every day since. But I haven’t had any emotion. Just the feeling of knowing he’s gone and there’s no bringing him back. And I feel like I should be reacting more to this but I’m not. So now I’m scared that either something is wrong (like PPD or normal depression) or that a massive breakdown is going to take place at the most inconvenient time. I’m thankful I got through the hardest day, but I feel guilty that I didn’t mourn him more.