Updated - Back With My Pill Questions 😅

Mansi • 25, wife to an amazing human 😍 and a feminist for all 💪🏽✨

I started the Pill for the 1st time in 2 years last week and fucked up the timings 4 days in a row.

Can I continue on the same pack and just start tonight at a time I /know/ will work for me for sure? Or will the pack be wasted?

Follow-up: if I can still continue the same pack, and my period just ended 2 days ago, how long should I wait before unprotected sex? It’s with my regularly tested and consistently clean boyfriend of 1 year 9 months.

*Update*: I was actually just at a local drugstore and their pharmacist helped me out with a lot of information and confirmed my questions and resolved my doubts amazingly so thank you to the commenters for giving me accurate information!! 💕