My relationship update



Me and my boyfriend split up for about 3 months due to communication problems and he lost feelings for me. I didn’t understand cause i always used to ask him whats wrong and to speak up you know? During those 3 months we kept in touch cause before we dated we were BEST FRIENDS, and he didn’t want to loose me apparently. Around June 7th he asked to be his girlfriend once again(i asked him, now he asked me lol) i obviously said yes because for those 3 months, i still loved him. I always had a special place in my heart for him that would never go away in any way. Yes in those 3 months he rebounded once but split it after a week. Me i didn’t rebound because i needed time to find myself and to heal.

Unfortunately now since he asked me so late to date him again, we didn’t have any time to be as close as usual because I’m moving away. (Not away away.. just 20 minutes from the town we both live in currently) but he’s very iffy about it cause he doesn’t want to date someone who he cannot see anymore.. and he has trust issues thinking I’m gonna cheat on him which im not cause if i was thinking on dating someone else i wouldn’t have agreed to date him again. Therefore we are gonna do long distance which will contain a lot of texting, calling, and face-timing which i don’t mind honestly. But ill mind missing the hugs and kisses. So for my 15th birthday Me, Joshua(my bf) and a couple of friends went to the movies and we hung out for a bit. He was all over me the whole time and i didn’t mind cause he kept hugging me and kissing my cheek the whole time. That night was memorable because that was my last time seeing him for a while until i visit that town again. I love him with my heart.