Boy problems

Ok so me and my crush are on the same page about how we both like each other. And we go to school together and do sports together which was fine. We are great over text like always finding things to say. But when it’s just us two at the movies or a public pool I just clam up and lately he has been saying how he wouldn’t want to date if we can’t even talk outside of texting. We are going on one more “date” to see if we can get past the awkwardness or more so “me”. So I need help on how to get out of my comfort zone and just be with him in the moment. I have explained to him how I can’t handle mushiness in public or big PDA moments. So please HELP. I need to know how to get past the stupid thought in my head that I’m gonna get judged for being sappy in public and just be the person him and myself want me to be😩😩