Checking out for now

Catherine • TTC #1 @37 via IUI/IVF

Hi ladies. I’m calling it quits for now, although I’m not ready to say forever. Trying for my 8th back-to-back

<a href="">IUI</a>

would be bordering on insane (although I have no clear explanation). Luckily for me, I get to look forward to marrying my best friend on August 4! Then when the dust settles we’ll have a good sit down with my RE to find out what to do (or not to do) about this stupid polyp that grew back within 6 months. Then we’ll decide whether it’s quitting time, or if we can afford to keep trying. Or (gulp) start the journey of fostering to adopt.

Point of my story really is that I want to wish you ladies, still hanging in like the wonder women you are, the best of luck and a happy sound head while you continue your journey. 😘