Nuchal Translucency Scan?

🌹Rose🌈🎶 • FTM since 12/23/18 <3

My husband and I did the nuchal translucency scan yesterday because it was offered and, based on timing, it was the perfect chance for both of us to see baby together and see a face looking back and not just a flickering blob.

But what I have found since telling people is there are MANY people passionately against this scan because of the potential worry it can cause. I'm from a family of nurses so I'd like to think my ability to take in what doctor's say is pretty good and I can do so without over worrying.

Did you get this scan done? If so how did it go? If you chose not to why didn't you? Was this even offered to you?

For us it was worth just being able to see that little face no matter what comes xoxo

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