Short naps


Hi everyone, my little man is nearing 6 months on the 15th and we’ve been having trouble lately napping. We try to put him down when he cues that he’s tired usually rubs his eyes and starts getting fussy. We put him in his swing with his sound machine in his room as dark as it can get. This used to work like a charm and we’d get an hour to two hours naps out of the stinker and now it’s like ten to thirty minutes. He will wake up and be angry cause he’s still tired but wants to get out of the swing. I’ve tried his crib and do a short version of our bedtime routine (when it’s bedtime he sleeps in his crib for 8-10 hours just fine). This goes on all day whether at home or our sitter’s (she follows a structured routine that we have given her and his cues as well). By the time it’s actually bedtime, it’s getting harder to wind him down as he’s overtired. The other night he was up for two hours after his last nap so we did bedtime and put him down where he cried and fussed for almost an hour and a half before finally giving in to sleep.

He’s started solids and loves food. He still nurses as much as I’m home and we supplement with formula too. He’s eating at least six 5 oz bottles and some days 1-2 oz of purées. He’s been talking and babbling and making tons of noise with his tongue and mouth so part of me thinks he is working thru a developmental leap and can’t turn his brain off. But we play with lots of toys all day that sometimes playing is all I do all day with him - no housework or anything else gets done. I feel like we wear him out but then he still won’t sleep!!!

Any suggestions?