Looking for Support and Advice


Hello ladies and Mommas!

I’m new here. This is my first pregnancy ever. I’m 5.5 weeks pregnant and starting this journey much heavier than I’d ever hoped (I’m 5’6” and +/-275), but I’m so excited about this pregnancy!! I just want to do as much as possible for a healthy pregnancy for baby and me. I’ve always struggled with my weight, and as a result my self confidence and self esteem. I know I’m not alone in this and my husband is always supportive. But I don’t think he understands the emotional side of being overweight (at least for me).

So I’m here asking for any advice from any of you who are further along or done this before. Anything you would have told yourself to do/not do in early pregnancy or even down the road in 2nd/3rd trimester?

Also, I’m starting with a new obgyn, seen her once before but not sore she’s the right doctor for me. So any OBGYN advice or first pregnancy appointment (8wks) advice? Any red flags for you with your doctors and weight that I should look out for? I know weight is a factor in pregnancy, but I don’t want to be berated about it I want constructive Doctor advice and to be excited for this pregnancy.

In general I’m just nervous about everything and looking for advice and feedback from more experienced mommas!
