Do you spank your children/kids in public?

My toddler is in that stage where she wants to be free lol and by that I mean she wants to be running everywhere walk around want every toddler does when those terrible twos start kicking in. Well when shes at home she doesn’t do much but when we go out somewhere whether is out to eat or the mall or just stores I noticed she starts throwing her little tantrums it’s not every time but it happens. When she starts to cry I’ll try to pick her up and she lets herself fall and cry and In my head I’m just “Ohhh girl you you better not start with me today” I feel kind of weird to spank her in public because idk I don’t want people to assume I hit my kids cause I don’t I love my kids even before this I haven’t spanked her but they grow up and start acting but they need to know and understand acting like that and falling and screaming it’s not the way to go. Of course they’re kids but you gotta teach them young they can’t be acting like that cause if you let them it’s gets worse as they grow up. So yeah have you ever spank your kids in public? Did you care that people saw you? Have they changed they’re ways? Idk what to do? I don’t like my child acting like this