Breastfeeding resources

I’m anxious and impatient waiting for my daughter to be here so I’m spending my time doing lots of research as my last and only baby was born 7 years ago 🙃

I only breastfed my first for a very short time as the combination of pain + low supply + latch issues caused such a problem that he began to lose weight 😞

I’ve been told that even though I had to stop breastfeeding my first that doesn’t mean I can’t try to breastfeed this time - maybe I will be able to struggle through the pain this time and my supply could be better this time and every baby is different so she might not have as much trouble latching! (I’m hoping all this is true)

So what I’m looking for are resources for breastfeeding, like things I can read to learn and prepare.

Also any tips or recommendations are appreciated! I do have and know of a lot of products already - I was gifted like an arsenal of breastfeeding supplies last week! But literally anything helps, thanks!