am i a bad mother? 😣

my husband and my siblings all thinks that i cant take care of my kids, because they all have separation anxiety. they would cry whenever we go out, whether shopping or go visit fams. both our parents say that i just need to let them interact w people constantly. but none of them wants to come visit us cause we live an hr drive away. and we only have 1 car, which my husband drives to work 6 days a week. so im usually just home all the time w them and they never cry the way they do when we go out. my husband would blamee and say that im bad at parenting. hed compare me to other ppl that their kids arent like ours. i do see it that other babies their age are fine when they go out. hed say that theyre stupid like me. well, his mom told me our kids are exactly like him when he was their age. but idk, what do i need to stop them from being like this? what do i need to do to avoid the next one being like this if i do have one? im in need of help! 😭 and my 1yr old is crabby all the time and my husband acts like i did something wrong to make him this way. hed get upset when his toys arent to his likings.