OPK test question


I took a Clearblue ovulation test the day before Glow said I was supposed to ovulate and I got a faint test line, but it said I didn’t have an LH surge (blank circle, no happy face). The next day I tested again and the test line was lighter, and still no LH surge. I tested the following two days and the lines progressively got lighter with no LH surge. Does this mean I missed my big day?

I just checked my calendar and now Glow says I probably ovulated 2 days AFTER my last test, but I feel like that’s not correct because my test lines got lighter, not darker, as time progressed...

Also, my periods are ALWAYS regular and on time (28 day cycle), but now Glow has moved my period back a full week from where it normally is. This is so frustrating because I think I missed my window because I think I ovulated before I was supposed to. Either that, or is it possible I didn’t ovulate this month if I only got faint test lines?

Will Glow correct my schedule if my period starts next week (like I think it should) rather than starting in a week and a half? Also, are there more accurate apps for <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a>, periods, etc?