Sleep help.


Hey everyone. My son starts kindergarten in August. I want to start getting him on a better schedule. Right now his sleeping schedule is all over the place, he’s up past me every night so I honestly can’t even say what time he goes to sleep then won’t wake up until about 12:30-1 . 2 being the latest 🤦🏻‍♀️ he has to be to school by 8am, I’m thinking of waking him around 6:45-7 to make sure he’s eaten, brushed his teeth, use the bathroom, and do everything he needs to do in the morning PLUS I’d have to brush his “crazy hair” (that’s what he calls it, he has SUPER curly hair! I’ll add a picture) because if I don’t his hair gets really knotty and wild! Any ideas on how I can get this started, i just want him to be well rested for school since it’s not as long as his VPK which was only 3 hours a day. He will be at school for the full day depending on what happens at registration next month. But what times do you think is best for bed time and waking up. I was thinking bed time around 7-730 and waking up at about 6:45 am? What can I do to make sure it’s not such a fight. I know it’ll be hard at first since he’s not use to it. Also how can I get him off of needing the TV to fall asleep. I don’t want to have him crying and screaming all night. We live in an apartment complex so I want to be considerate of my neighbors. Any literally ANY advice is appreciated:)