Is it bad to put bandaids on your nipples

Today..I forgot to wear my bra. Don’t judge me I’m stressed the shit out and someone in my family just died so I’ve been in this haze.

I don’t have big boobs the only thing I worry about is my nips. These bitches could cut glass.

And I was going to work. Ain’t nobody wanna see my nips. Also I don’t want them to.

So i put bandaids on them to keep them down.

I did this for a few hours until I remembered I keep extra everything in my car.

Pants, a shirt, panties and a bra. Also toiletries and travel kits with soap.

It’s like in case I get stranded somewhere lol. Might seem extra but hey it came in handy today. But now my nipples hurt

Did I harm my nipples lol