TTC without Periods and EBF (TMI!)

Backstory: I have celiacs disease and poly cystic ovarian syndrome. I’ve been told by multiple doctors that I wouldn’t be able to conceive for about 10 years, I’m 30 now. My husband and I got pregnant on our honeymoon while I was on the pill. (We abstained until marriage and we don’t drink/smoke/do drugs...I used to until diagnosed with celiacs disease and my husband has been overly supportive.) After we had our lo, we had a big conversation with my drs in regards to conceiving another child. They told us that if it were possible that we would need to conceive as close together as possible. We got the go ahead at 6 months.

My lo is now 9mo and I’ve only had one period since birth. (It was about 2 weeks pp, heavy, and lasted 6 days.) I’ve taken a pregnancy test each month to make sure I’m not pregnant per my drs orders. Well today I started lightly spotting, nothing even to get on my panties, only when wiping.

What do you think this means? Anyone with the same experience? How can I jumpstart my period, so that I can conceive? Has anyone conceived without getting their period?