⚠️ Bestfriends ex boyfriend ⚠️

Soo I’m friends with my Bestfriend ex boyfriend, let me fill u in a bit..

she had a hard time picking between two guys they both her ex.. her first boyfriend we will call him apple. So Apple and my Bestfriend have been dated for a year and so they hit a ruff patch and they split apart for a month or two but they still talked. In this time my Bestfriend was dated this guy. We will call him honey... so honey and my Bestfriend were dating within them two months.. than honey and my Bestfriend broke up bc my Bestfriend was still inlove with apple so they are now back together now, but she misses honey..

I’m very close friends with honey, is that bad??! Like just understand me and we enjoy hangout. We don’t like each other.. we are just friends... but my Bestfriend doesn’t know that bc I don’t want her to hate me or him for us being friends.. or get jealous.. I want to tell her but idk if I should..

What should I do??