TTC after HELLP syndrome and child loss


I would like to share my sad story and would be appreciated with any advice.

In 2017 I became pregnant and we were happy to welcome our baby girl. My due date was at the end of October. In May I received very bad results of tripple test I had to have a lot of test, especialy to AFP. The result was good and they told me that our baby is healthy. In August,after one bbq party, I had so bad pain and so strong heartburn. So my OB made some tests and after five days later,she called me that liver tests seems to be elevated and that I have to go to hospital to check myself again properly. So they did it and they informed me that I have HELLP syndrome. I was only 29+3 and next day at 29+4 I had to deliver my baby by c-section. She was perfect, healthy,she started to breath on her own. But when she was 21 days, she became GBS infection and our nightmare started. She fought for another 3 weeks and on 22 Sept, she passed away. Currently we started to TTC. I thing I am quite emotionally ok and my husband as well. But it is horrible to do not thing about it. I would like to be pregnant imidiately, on the other hand I know how much I thing about it, it could not be so fast. Any advice? I am sorry for my long post.