Feeling judged for wanting a baby

Hey guys, odd one here. My SO and I have been together 7 years, engaged for over 1 of them. We are 22/23 and are moving into to our new home in 3 months (still being built at the moment) and we've been talking about ttc for baby #1 for a while and we've been having unprotected sex for a few months now. I'm super irregular so we've decided to start trying sooner in case it takes a while- and my SO is on a really good pay and has been for years now so I know we can afford a baby. We told our friends this news recently (bare in mind they all have children of their own which were unplanned and they all struggled for housing and with finances) and yet a few of them have given us odd looks when we told them and questioned us on it. I don't see what the problem is? One of them said it's because we don't have a home- but we move in 3 months so I can't see why we should be judged when we are the only ones out of all our friends that have actually planned this...