Had a planned c section for uncontrolled diabetes and large baby at 38weeks and had steroid injectio...

Belinda • Pregnant will baby number 2! Incredibly blessed!
Had a planned c section for uncontrolled diabetes and large baby at 38weeks and had steroid injections at hospital two days prior. 
Bub has hypo an ended up in special care for two days on a glucose drip . Couldn’t breastfeed as I expressed three hourly since two days before her birth and milk never came in as I didn’t have skin to skin for two days nor able to breastfeed for two days! 
BP dropped in section along with heart rate and I got very sick. Previous section was sixteen months ago and they couldn’t induce me due to previous section so had to have a second one which was djaaapointing as I had to deliver at 38weeks
Very hard but I know it was for the best for my baby. She is ok now 8.9pounds 49.5inches summer <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> :)