Officially 14 days late and still no positive tests. Updated (14 days late)


About my AF and myself:

My periods are regular. They come on time like clock work. I’ve never been on birth-control. I’ve never had a miscarriage, this is my first time “trying.” I don’t do drugs, smoke, nor drink and I’m only 24 years old. Also, I am not stressed. I just moved to Hawaii two months ago so I’m basically living in paradise and seem to be forever relaxed 😂 lol

June 30th:

I’m currently 7 days late! Never been this late before. Longest I’ve ever been late was maybe 3 days (if that) so I will keep this updated as I go and share my experience with you ladies!

I took a pregnancy test and it was negative sooo I’m just patiently waiting at this point to see what happens and it has me like..

Last Period was from May 25th-31st and now it’s July 1st. So this is CD 38 for me now! Only thing I noticed that was different was a week before my period was suppose to come I had this horrible pain on my lower right side / low handle area. It went away and now I just have these on and off pelvic cramps. Other than that I have no other symptoms.

Little history:

I was TTC for almost 7 months with my SO and gave up this previous December. We decided to go with the method of “not trying but not preventing” and I honestly forgot about TTC. Only thing we use is preseed because we just like the product in general instead of regular lube (can’t stand the smell or feeling).

July 1st - Updated 1✨

Officially 8 days late and still no AF. Really tempting to test BUT I want to wait a few more days!

I still feel a tiny bit of cramping last night but no AF 🤞🏽

July 2nd - Update 2✨

Tested again around 7:30 pm with a cheapie and it’s negative. I know I should have waited till the morning but I couldn’t help it! Seeing it negative did make me feel annoyed 🙄

July 3 - Updated 3 ✨

I’m currently 10 (CD 40) days late and tested this morning and it was a negative once again! Cramping is still continuing! So now it’s just a waiting game! Might test again this weekend. Let the waiting games begin! Anyone waiting with me?

July 4th - Updated 4 ✨

Happy Fourth of July everyone!! ❤️💙❤️💙 Tested this morning and it was negative once again. Officially 11 days late (CD 41).

All my cramping went away completely (for now) and I’m still waiting 🤞🏽

July 5th - Update 5 ✨

Yesterday my SO and I decided to go out for Cheesecake Factory and I had a delicious taco salad which was delicious BUT as soon as I got into the car I got super nauseous and gagged three times. Now I’m not the one to gag like ever nor throw up. I don’t even remember the last time I threw up. Still no AF and it’s day 12 (CD42). I cramped last night and really thought my period was going to start but it didn’t and the cramps went away!

July 6th - Update 6 ✨

I haven’t tested since the 4th of July and plan to test one last time tomorrow. If it’s negative I’ll be going to the doctors to get blood work! I haven’t cramped much like o use too and now my CM has changed. Went from EW consistency to thick and creamy. So we shall see what happens! 🤞🏽

July 7th - Update 7 ✨

It’s officially 14 days (aka 2 WEEKS late). I just tested this morning and it was a negative. Still having a thick CM consistency and feeling under the weather. What is going on? I will be going to the doctors here soon if nothing happens.

QUESTION: What’s the latest positive pregnancy test you had?