I just want to cry

It all started last night when I was talking to my guy about our baby shower. He's been in a funk lately, so 2 months ago I asked him if he wanted to design the invitations. After numerous fights because he hadn't started yet (he even tried to blame me saying he didnt know what I wanted which is why he wasn't working) a couple of weeks ago he said he'd finally spent some time on them. Come to find out he didn't like any of the designs and deleted them all. I'd been asking to see them for 2 freaking weeks! This entire time I kept telling him that he didn't have to design them if he didn't want to, but to let me know soon so I could find ones I liked. He insisted he didn't mind. So last night I'm taking about the details of the shower, and he completely shuts down. Just stops talking to me, listening, anything. We have a lot going on right now, (moving, money problems, job searches) so I get that he's stressed, but he keeps refusing to deal with anything and just leaves it for me to handle. We've had problems with him being unreliable in the past, and I'm freaking out that he's simply not ready for parenthood despite his claims. My parents are fed up with the situation. We're supposed to be moving back in with them at the end of the month, but if he doesn't get his act together, they won't let him stay. This whole situation is beyond frustrating and has me really upset. He's not a bad guy. And he's old enough to know better (38) but he doesn't seem to want to do what he needs to do. I don't usually adhere to traditional gender roles, but right now I just want him to be an adult and take control. I'm so exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally and I really don't know how much more I can handle. I already feel like a married single parent, and our baby isn't even here yet. It's really taking a toll on my depression, which I think is why I'm extra tired on top of the pregnancy. I don't want to leave him, but I don't know if I'll have much of a choice in the end. Sorry, I just needed to vent. (Update)Somebody asked it it's more than just shows invites, so I figured I'd give some more context. It's been a really tough year for us. We unexpectedly had to put my dog down in March, 2 days before we got married which drained my savings almost completely (he doesn't really bother to save). Then when he finally spoke to his job about working from home full time at the beginning of May, they told us 3 days before we were supposed to move that his request was denied. (I first asked him to speak with them when I found out I was pregnant back February.) Obviously, the move was postponed. So now I'm having to dip back into the newly replenished savings to pay 2 extra unanticipated months of rent. Until recently I was a PhD student on a 9 month salary, so the added expense is a LOT. He makes good money, but not enough to support us in DC. Right now he needs to find another job back home so we can afford to keep our insurance until the baby comes, otherwise the hospital bills will end us. In the midst of all of this, he's dealing with anxiety and depression issues, but those aren't new and it isn't the first time his mental health has caused added stress to our relationship. The thing is, instead of confronting it head on, he hides behind it and uses it as an excuse. I mean, I have anxiety and depression too, but I still have to be an adult, so why can't he?