Fighting with husband

We are constantly fighting. We have a 2 month old baby, I am soooo tired of being stuck in the house with the baby all day. I am honestly going crazy and he doesn’t get it. He works all day Monday through Friday and so I’m the one getting up for diaper changes and feeding her throughout the night. I’m on little sleep often and This is all new to me too. Ive never been a homebody and I am not used to just being home alllll day. Once she gets her two month shots we planned on going out more but for now this is hell...I’ve never imagined this being so hard and our relationship crumbling the way it is.

We bicker and fight wayyyyyy more than we ever did. I’ve even considered leaving to my moms because I just can’t take it. I’m so over it and I’m so over him sometimes I feel like we aren’t gonna make it.