Life After Birth Control


So I recently got off the Pill about 1 1/2 months ago after having been on it for 2 years and life is still hard. A little background: i have been on birth control before, for briefer amounts of time in the past and the symptoms were HORRENDOUS, it made my migraines worse, made my stomach sick and made me anxious ALL THE TIME. So I hadnt given much thought to going back on for years. Until I met my boyfriend of 2 years and decided to give it another go. This time I asked the clinic if they had something that wouldnt worsen my migraines or make me intensly ill, so they gave me a low dose mini pill without the chemical that apprently doesnt mingle well with long time migraine sufferers. Everything started off ok but as time went on I lost my sex drive COMPLETELY, my headaches and migraines became the worst they had ever been and I gained almost 20 lbs. And the funny thing is I didnt really realize that it was the pill until after 2 years! It was such a slow build up, but once I put the puzzle peices together I knew it was the Pill fucking me up. So I told my doctor I was getting off once my period hit. And voila I was off, but Im still struggling after, I definitley dont feel as numb as I did when I was on (literally felt like a sterile peice of paper) but it feels like my whole body chemistry has changed. The weight doesnt want t budge, still I struggle with migraine intensity and my sex drive is know where to be found. It feels like im not in my body. So I have decided to turn to the <a href="">eve</a> community to see if anyone has had a similar experience. I know some will say ask your doctor, but my doctors literally do not care. They did nothing to worn me of any post pill effects and in general have been terrible providers. In fact my clinic and I are currently divorcing. If anyone has some advice or knowledge or a similar time I would love to hear it! Does it get better after a few months? I am 27 years old and feel like Im experiencing menopause. Let me know <a href="">eve</a> ladies 🙄🙄🙄

Your female friend,
