How the hell do you do this????


My oldest is almost 2 and a half now and youngest is 8 months. My house is constantly a wreck with clothes piled up needing to be folded or put away, toys in every room of the house, starting is of random brick a brack on every surface or counter of my house because of my messy husband. I feel guilty ALL the time because I feel like I'm either lacking interaction and stimulating their minds with play/learning so I can get stuff done or I'm working on potty tine,teaching young one to crawl or stand, helping toddler with something or playing and getting nothing done in the house. I'm never on my phone or social media so that isn't the problem and I'm typically speed walking through the house at a brisk pace just to get a few small tasks accomplished like washing dishes, switching laundry out,etc. I don't have help and daycare isn't an option so what works for you all?