He said to abort so I left...

My SO and I were together for two years. During the time we separated for a few months a rekindled. I thought everything was perfect and for a period of time it was... until things started changing. He has two kids and I have my daughter so normally baggage comes with drama from our ex’s. His started stepping out of line. Telling his kids horrible things about me. A year later!! And it’s because I found out they had slept together while we were separated (not a big deal really we weren’t together). Fast forward a few months... his kids started treating me like I was less than. Leaving notes around the house saying they don’t like me and it even went as far as cutting my hair in my sleep (his defense was “my girls would never do that” and later it came out that they did) annnyyyyywhooo

I find out I’m pregnant and his response is... I don’t want anymore kids

So I say ok:) pack my bags and leave. He was under the impression I did it and found out via social media that I didn’t. Especially after knowing how much I wanted another child. I gave up a lot. I’m talking a deployment for my baby. And he said he was the one trapped. I told him he didn’t need to be there. I wasn’t going to force a grown man to be there.

I love this man 100% percent (I’m also an idiot). But I blocked him. However since we shared a home I still have mail that goes over there. So I hhu and he was like legit worried. Texted me every day saying he was sorry and concerned about me and the baby. That he was wrong and I was right. I wasn’t. I lied to him but for my child’s life I had very good reason to.

So I went over there to talk (HUGE MISTAKE) because now I’m emotionally confused even more because I’m not sure if down the line he changes his mind and decides again that he doesn’t want to be there.
