i don’t know what to do

about a year ago i told my girlfriend about my masturbation habits and she took it pretty cool, probably out of pity that i said it was the most embarrassing secret i had. i’m talking i didn’t even think i’d ever tell that to anyone

but she’s suddenly started getting different sort of

a few days ago she directly called me gross and “not normal” for doing it and i can’t explain how much it hurt

so she asked today if i’m still doing it and i said i stopped since that day and she responds with “good”

i confronted her about it but she ignored me


UPDATE: apparently she’s been uncomfortable with it ever since i told her because it reminds her of something traumatic in her past and she hadn’t told me earlier because she was scared i’d leave her and now she thinks i’m mad at her because i got upset and i am officially the worst person ever goodnight