Stupid question probably but...

Bit of backstory, I was on dianette for a year to control my PCOS symptoms (mainly the acne and facial hair) one of the side effects is disruption of cycle. Some months I would have a period and others I wouldn’t.

I came off it in October and last month was the first month I’ve ovulated since coming off it. We conceived but turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. We were a little sad but tried to see it in a positive way - in the sense that we knew we could conceive so it gave us hope.

So I’ve been super strict this month, BBT charting, taking prenatals, ovulation sticks for the past week and a half, tracking CM etc.

Thing is I was meant to ovulate on Tuesday (according to the app) so I started using the ovulation sticks on Friday last week.

When I’ve used the ovulation sticks in previous cycles where I haven’t ovulated, there’s been no second line at all. Completely blank. Every single one I’ve done this cycle has had a faint line on it. However I haven’t ovulated yet. Am I likely to ovulate this cycle, or should I count myself out? Is it normal to ovulate later in the cycle, or do you just sometimes miss your window? I thought as I did last cycle I was back to normal but clearly not 😔