Rejoining the work force tips

Hi all!

I left my last job in May 2017 because we were trying to start a family and have me be a stay at home mom. I have my bachelors in Accounting and was doing well in my field - within 6 months at the job I got two raises and a promotion to a senior role. Well fast forward to now, we’ve lost two babies and we’re going to take a break on starting a family.

Now it’s been over a year since my last job and it seems like no one wants to hire me because of my hiatus. I submit resumes and never even get a call back. Recruiters don’t want to touch me with a ten foot pole because they don’t think their clients will want me.

What are some tips on getting back into the work force? How can I get recruiters and interviewers to look past the gap in my resume?

Thank you!