I found 2 heartbeats with my fetal Doppler?

Ashley • Young, Married Mama♥️

Okay soooo.... I had my first OB/GYN appointment at 12 weeks and they used a fetal Doppler to find babys heartbeat. As soon as she put it on my belly, we heard the heartbeat loud and clear. (Yay- healthy baby) Anyways I ordered a fetal Doppler for myself to give me a piece of mind when I need it. I’ve always been able to find it right away and I know what all the different sounds are. The last few times I’ve been able to hear 2 different heartbeats in different places. (I’ve always assumed it’s the same baby but I’m hearing an echo) Today, I found one and it was at 152 bpm and I moved the Doppler like I have been (probably 2-3 inches away from the first spot) and the other one was 149 bpm. Is it likely I’m having twins? Or just weird echo? I mean the doctor didn’t even really check at 1st appointment so I wouldn’t really know 🤷🏼‍♀️. Im going to talk to my doctor this week at our appointment. (I’m 15 weeks now)

*I obviously am going to talk to my doctor about it and see what she says. I was just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences???

*My Doctor typically doesn’t do ultrasounds until 20 weeks