Pain during penetration

Elizabeth • 👨‍👩‍👦🤰🏼

I know I’ll be fine but advice would help ease my mind!

So, my husband and I waited to have sex till we got married, and it’s been 3 weeks now. Surprisingly, there wasn’t pain the first time we did it!! (Praise God, it was truly an amazing first-time experience) but after like 5 times, so the 6th time i think, it hurt SO BAD. Like, when he was maybe halfway in, it hurt on that spot like i was being stabbed or something.

Anyways, long story short, we tried again twice (this was on our honeymoon 😭) but had to stop both times bc of the same thing happening, then i started my period. At the tail end of my period, we tried again and there was no pain! I thought “great, maybe i just needed time to heal”.

Fast forward a bit, and after having sex maybe 2-3 times after the honeymoon, i got that pain again in the same spot. Am i maybe getting micro-tears from lack of lubrication (like if we’re going too long without using more lube halfway through?) that just need time to heal? And if so, how long should we wait to have sex again? Because we both want it...but obviously we didn’t wait long enough the first time, because the pain came back.

I just don’t want this to happen again and again, I know many women have pain when they first start having sex for a multitude of reasons, but the fact that the pain came back again is making me a bit nervous.