Got our transfer date!!!

Danielle • Married, 1 fur baby, 1 miscarriage, 2 TI, 3 IUI’s, 2 retrieval’s, 1 fresh, 4 FETs but 5th times a charm. Baby girl arrived 3/6/2020 💍🐾🌈👨‍👩‍👧🎀💗

July 30th will be transfer day of “our little embryo that could” was our only embryo that made it to day 5 blast. We had 16 retrieved, 8 were mature, 5 fertilized but 1 made it to day 5 blast. It only takes 1 right?! I have unexplained infertility with 1 miscarriage, every test under the moon with results coming back normal and hubs checked out with amazing numbers. Now this 3 week wait is going to kill me but it’s time for me to make the switch to decaf and hopefully completely off before transfer. Wish me luck!!!