30 weeks tomorrow and stress

Yes I know that's stessing is one of the worst most possible things you can do for your health especially while pregnant I'm also human so always been hard for me to deal with stress it's harder now being pregnant ...so have been trying to keep better control it's been really difficult but you know we're moms we do what we have to do for our children. But as time gets closer and I'm just sitting here wanting her out so bad because I'm so uncomfortable I'm just thinking about how life's gonna be when she gets here and I'm starting to get scared again... when I 1st found out I was terrified that's a two-year-old and a newborn and a step kid a boyfriend and I house to take care of and just a lot....some women are born for this and some of us aren't we have to learn. So How do you moms keep your family's organized??? because organization is my downfall...if I could be organized know That things and people are where they're supposed to be when they're supposed to be there my life would be much simplier and everyone would be much happier it may sound like common sense to most of you a may be reading this like is she an idiot it's not common sense to me no I'm not an idiot I'm just a newer mom who just never seem to get the hang of it and I really need to get a grip right now or I'm not gonna make it.