What brand of the pill worked best for you ??

Does anyone know any pill brand birth control that I can ask my obgyn for to help with my acne? I recently was put onto cryselle and it is honestly horrible ! It makes me tired i’ll cry for no reason and get super sad, it’ll make my stomach hurt / cramps. It also gave me horrible acne. (My acne has been clearing up and doing much better i wouldn’t only have a zit here and there now and then but my forehead is red from breaking out and there is zits all up there it was fine before I started taking this bc.) The only thing this birth control is good for is not getting you pregnant. Does anyone know a good brand of bc I should ask my obgyn for that will help with my acne ?

-I break out mainly on my forehead here is like a before i started taking the pill and a after just to show how red it is. I’ve been washing my face often to try to help it go away-

Before ^

after ^