20 week anatomy scan scare

Lyndsay • Mother of 3 ❤ 10/03/10, 10/13/16 & 11/07/18

sooo I've been looking forward to today for weeks. I got into my appointment early and everything. I'm never early. baby girl did NOT want to cooperate at all during the scan. the tech did get all the pictures she needed, said everything looked fine to her and she had to run it by the Dr before I was let go. well, like 20 minutes later, he comes in and says baby is measuring fine and she's only 13 oz so a little on the small side, which I was expecting. and then he brings up placenta is blocking my birth canal... and he's giving it 8 weeks to correct itself and if it doesn't he's gonna recommend a c section at my 37 week mark. I'm spazzing, I had both my other kids vaginally. I'm no way mentally prepared to accept a c section. I'm terrified. idk if it's complete placenta previa or partial. idk what to do.