Shadow Man at our House.


So when I was 12, I was sitting on the couch watching TV, and when I looked at the window there was a really tall shadow man watching me, then he turned and walked away. He was staring straight at me. My sister and her fiance visited and went outside and they claimed to see a shadow person lurking about. My dad has been working around the house lately and has also noticed a shadow person.

They haven't done anything, they just seem to wander around. He comes out whenever new people come over, or when my dad is messing with the land. But for me, it's different. I've always been able to see these types of things and I never go to the back of our pasture because I feel like I shouldn't trespass there. Ever since my dad's seen it, he's gotten bad news, but anything I see doesn't affect my luck at all.

It sounds crazy, but I don't go outside at night for the specific feeling of being watched, and being afraid to see things. I often see things in the dark that nobody else sees. I'm a Christian who's been baptized, and I'm 15 now. I sometimes dream things that come true as soon as I wake up. I used to have bad nightmares less than a year ago night after night where I would feel a demonic presencetrying to suck out my soul. It used to be terrifying, because I would be paralyzed, and I would hear laughing but I learned how to fight them back in my sleep, now it's no longer an issue and they rarely bother me.