Summer Job Outside- is this okay?

We found out this weekend that we're pregnant with our first. We're almost 5 weeks along, and I've been trying to gather information about what's safe and what isn't. I've seen a few places about overheating now. I work at a summer day camp, being either in a hot gymnasium (3ish hours a day) and outside in a pavilion or on an open field (5ish hours a day). The pavilion is shaded obviously, and I drink a ton of water throughout the day and take a balanced lunch. Luckily I've only had nausea and some cramping, but no major fatigue or vomiting yet. Aside from sunscreen, are there other precautions I should take? We play various tag, relay, and team games with the kids. Obviously with games like dodgeball I'm going to be extra cautious, but I don't even know if thats necessary with how small it is for now. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow, but they're part of a large network so I have to wait for a call back which might not be until later this week. So, until then, can you think of other precautions?