Miserable-Just a rant

Title says it all...I'm flat out miserable. I'm 30+2 and just feel like shit.

I'm having contractions daily starting at 2 PM that put me in tears and dry heaving, hot showers don't help, but as they range between 10-20 minutes apart everyone says just wait.

Well I'm honestly not sure how much longer I can take because I'm getting a nonstop period like cramp in my back and I juat hurt. I'm so uncomfortable and just ready for my little one to be here.

I feel like I'm going crazy but as a FTM my family tells me its okay and to keep asking everyone questions as we have had some issues throughout the pregnancy.

Sorry for the long ass post just needed a place to vent and rant without crying like I really want to.

Quick edit because I know it'll be mentioned but I neo myself very hydrated so that's not an issue at all.