

Okay ladies.. please help me! I’m 26 days late! I’ve had a few weird days were I’d wipe once and their was blood so I thought I started AF but nope nothing after that. And I’ve been feeling blah for so long lately I’ve forgotten what it’s like without cramps and running to pee But I took three tests so far and negative. But tonight I realized how painfully soar my nipples are. Like I was itching them and almost couldn’t because they are so sensitive. They’ve never been this soar ever and my boyfriend told me to take another test because I might have been to early to test. But I’m 26 days late and I always see posts on here with women who get positives before there period is even late.... sooo please help me with advice or anything. We have been ttc for a year now so if I am pregnant I’m going to bawl(pure happiness) but after so many negatives and let downs I don’t want my hopes up... help please 🤕