At the end of all the stress

Feel like everything is just getting on top of me at the minute. My kids school is 4 miles away i have to pay hundreds a month bus fair which i have to starve myself sometimes to afford. Im 18 weeks pregnant yet losing weight. The council refuse to help move me house or help get my children to school. We have 3 closer schools all “too full”. This is my rainbow baby after a recent stillborn and the hospital have been awful gone against everything they said they would do. Making me go onto wards i end up having anxiety attacks on. My partner has just decided to tell me he thinks hes addicted to beer and needs my help to get him through. I was supposed to do a driving course which ive been saving for years to do to try help my situation i paid a large amount to be given a rude offensive instructor and because i requested to change they have cancelled my instructor and refusing to refund. Sorry for the long post just needed somewhere to rant 😭😭