Baby doesn’t want to sleep without being held


Our five-day-old bundle is generally happy and rarely fussed or cries, except at night when it’s time for her to sleep on her own. We have tried swaddling, we tried a bassinet (which she hated and the cat loved so it made us nervous), and now we have the pack and play in our room for her.

Last night was a rough night. Is no sooner get her to sleep and settled, and she’s be awake crying again. The crying stops as soon as one of us picks her up. I tried for two hours to get her to sleep last night. By the end of it, I felt absolutely defeated, and ended up in tears because the one thing that seemed to soothe her was the thing we’re not supposed to do - have her in bed with us.

I ended up putting her in bed with us so she could sleep while I watched over her neurotically all night. I’m exhausted.

Thoughts on how to get her to sleep on her own successfully? We’ve tried:

- an extra feeding

- swaddling

- pjs with no swaddle (she likes to move her arms and legs)