Transitioning Baby to Crib


My husband and I are in the process of transitioning our baby girl to her nursery... again. She is eight months. She slept in her Halo Bassinet next to our bed until she was about four and a half months. After that, we moved her to her nursery for a few nights, but I just could not sleep. I was up all night watching her on the video monitor and checking the Owlet App. So we decided to just put her in bed with us. We tried to transition her again about six weeks ago and she actually did well. I nursed her (as I always do right before she goes to bed, she loves nighttime cuddles) and read her a book. She fell asleep, I put her in her crib. She did really good, she slept through the night. It was going really well for about two weeks. Then my husband and I went on a cruise for our anniversary so she went out of town to stay with my parents while we were gone. They have a nursery set up for her at their house, but they just let her sleep with them. After our cruise, we tried putting her back in her crib and she was not having it. After a few days, we finally got her in there and everything was smooth. Then we went on vacation with my parents and my in-laws. We took her pack-n-play with us, but we still let her sleep with us. Well, we returned home yesterday and won't be traveling for a few more weeks. Hopefully by that time, she's acclimated to sleeping in her nursery and we will not have any issues when we return home. We didn't even try to put her in her crib last night. We want to start tonight though and this time with no interruptions. How can we start to make this transition (again)? Our housekeeper suggested allowing her to take naps in her nursery during the day. The only problem with that is that she doesn't take long naps during the day so I just let her sleep in her pack-n-play in my office during the day while I work. However, if any of you ladies think it will work, I will surely try it. My sorority sister suggested that my husband and I allow her to fall asleep in bed with us at night and then put her in her nursery. Someone even suggested for us to put her Dockatot Grand over in her crib and maybe she will fall asleep, but I really do not trust that thing for sleeping. I only trust it for lounging. Not to mention that sounds unsafe. Any other tips or advice? We really want her to become comfortable in her crib within the next few weeks. The problem is not actually getting her to sleep because she sleeps all night in her crib , the problem is getting her to fall asleep. Normally she just falls asleep. I nurse her, read her a book, and lay her down. She goes right to sleep, but when she's in her nursery, she will not fall asleep unless we rock her to sleep.