I feel spiritual when im in a church and want to make love with my partner

I do not wish to appear promiscuous or totally disrespectful to churches and religions.

(I had been a very religious woman who went to church not just on sundays, but several days every week. That is, until i stopped, and really thought about God, and spirituality, in a different way than being familiar with or having been born to an organized religion. I am not religious anymore but I studied theology and i still reflect on Christianity and Jesus.)

I do have faith in God, or the Transcendence, or however we can put it.

Whenever I visit churches with my partner, I still feel spiritual being inside a church, and I love my partner deeply, and I always feel that I want to make love with him inside the church. He thinks i might just be lustful but i just really feel the love, connecting with him is spiritual to me.

Im starting to think it’s because of my religious background and having devoted myself to church before that makes me sort of neurotic, wanting to do it inside a church.